The Chirp NBA Blog

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Dallas’ Trades for P.J. Washington and Daniel Gafford Lays the Groundwork for a “Texas Two-Step” Towards Championship Contention

A word to define the Dallas Mavericks’ trade deadline? Urgency. The urgency to improve a roster mired in the Western Conference’s second tier. The urgency to remedy past personnel decisions. The urgency to add more athleticism and size to the roster. No team was as aggressive as the Dallas Mavericks were in executing deals of…

These Aren’t the Dallas Mavericks of Christmas Past

Luka Doncic and Christmas feels like a perfect match, perhaps because of their shared ability to produce magic. There hasn’t been a better display of Doncic’s sorcery this season than what we saw on Christmas night, with a stat line so outrageous, you would think it’s fictitious. 50 points, 15 assists, 6 rebounds, 4 steals,…


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